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The 20 Best Starter Aquarium Fish For Beginners (With Pictures)

aquarium fish for beginners

Aquarium Fish For Beginners:

Are you a beginner aquarist? Are you going to start an aquarium? If yes, and if this is your first-ever aquarium, then you’re probably wondering what fish to buy. In this article, I will explore a list of the 20 best starter aquarium fish for beginners. Fish that you will love and that are easy to care for. So, let’s start and explore some beautiful fish for the beginner.

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The amazing Sailfin Molly Fish image at the top of this page is courtesy of Wikipedia and Christine Loew, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Christine Loew

Guppies, Easy Fish #1 

Poecilia reticulata

Ease of care: very easy to keep

Blue colored guppy

Everything You Need to Know About Guppies: 12 Key Facts

1. Description:

Common name: Guppy (scientific name: Poecilia reticulata) Guppies could easily be the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. They are also known as rainbow fish or million fish.

2. Size:   

A typical male guppy will grow to about one to one and a half inches. Highly bred male guppies will grow somewhat larger. The female will grow to  two+ inches.

3. Male / females:

Male guppy have slim bodies and often have large tails. The female guppy will have a fatter body than the male and is larger than the male.

3. Lifespan:

Well cared for guppies might live up to 2 years.

4. Behavior:

Guppies are peaceful and gentle. They get along well with just about any fish similar in size to themselves.

5. Colors:

There are a lot of color variations in guppies, including red, blue, yellow, white, orange, black, and “metal” colors (see the metal-colored guppy pictured above).Wild guppies typically exhibit a plain tan color with a few black dots. Selective breeding has resulted in dramatic colors and large tail fins in domestically kept guppies. Male guppies with tail fins larger than their bodies are now common.

6. Water conditions:

Guppies are not to particular about water conditions. Keep at tropical fish temps.

7. Cost:

$2 or $3 in a pet store. If  you want amazing colors, eBay has guppies priced up to $30 per fish.

8. Feeding:

Guppies are omnivores, which means that guppies can eat both animal and plant matter. They will eat just about anything you give them, including fish flakes and tablets, frozen foods, veggies, and live foods like brine shrimp.

9. Aquascape: 

Guppies don’t really care what is in their tank. Whatever you want will be fine.

10. Original habitat:

Caribbean Islands and the northern part of  South America.

11. Fascinating fact:

Female guppies can store sperm inside their bodies for months! This allows a female guppy to have several batches of fry, without having to mate again. From one mating, she can preserve sperm and then use them across several batches of eggs over time.

Because the female guppy stores sperm for so long, it’s possible that she will have offspring from several male guppies each time she produces fry.

*  Reference

12. Buying guppies:

Common colors are easily accessible in aquarium fish stores. You’ll  need to purchase uniquely colored or unusual guppies online.

Red tail guppy

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Mollies – Easy Fish #2

Poecilia Sphenops

Ease of care: very easy to keep

Image above: Gold Sailfin Molly

Both Molly images are provided by Aquatic Heaven on Amazon. Tap to visit.


1. Description:

Mollies (scientific name: Poecilia sphenops) are excellent fish for beginners due to how incredibly hardy they are. They are gentle and are unlikely to bully their tank mates. They’re effortless to breed, and their care is easy.

2. Size:   

The Mollies I’ve had have grown to about 4 inches.

3. Male / females:

Male Mollies have a “gonopodium” underneath their bodies. This is a modified fin used to deposit sperm into the female Mollies bodies.

Female Mollies don’t have a gonopodium. 

4. Breeding Mollies

Mollies are livebearers, which means they give birth to fully developed, free-swimming young. Because mollies breed easily in your home aquarium, you may soon have more than your tank can handle. You can easily remedy this by keeping mollies with predatory fish like angelfish or other cichlids.

5. Lifespan:

Mollies may live to be 3 years old. By the time you buy them, they may only have 2 to 2.5 years of life left.

6. Behavior:

Mollies are gentle easy going fish. They won’t harm your other fish.

7. Colors:

Mollies are available in a wide range of colors, including orange, gold, black, red, green, white, and yellow. Shapes include balloon mollies, sailfin mollies, lyretails, and traditional mollies.

8. Water conditions:

You should keep mollies in an aquarium of 20 gallons or larger with a satisfactory filtration system. They prefer typical tropical fish temperatures of 72 to 78℉. They accept a wide pH range.

9. Feeding:

Mollies are omnivorous, meaning they require a diet of both protein and plant-based foods. Since they are omnivorous, they can eat pretty much anything you offer them.

You can feed the mollies any combination of high-quality pellets or flake food, frozen foods, fresh or cooked vegetables, and algae wafers. They are excellent beggars, so be careful not to overfeed.

10. Aquascape: 

Mollies don’t care what the tank looks like. Like most fish they usually only care about their next meal.

11. Original habitat:

Mollies can be found from Mexico down to Columbia.

12. Fascinating fact:

Mollies can survive in both saltwater and freshwater aquariums. Saltwater aquarists are now breeding and raising mollies in saltwater tanks for their sale.

13. Buying Mollies: 

Mollies are always available where fish are sold. The last time I bought mollies they cost me about $7 per fish. Amazon has them for about $6 each. EBay has Mollies priced as high as $350 pair.

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Platies – Easy Fish #3

Xiphophorus maculatus

Ease of care: very easy to keep

Orange Platy pregnant female

Female Blue Platy

Image provided by the Amazon store, “Aquatic Heaven.

You can purchase this platy by tapping here.

If sold, you can see all Aquatic Heaven’s Platies by tapping here.

Image below is also from Aquatic Heaven and can be purchased by tapping here.

one of the 20 best aquarium fish for beginners

Salt and Pepper Platy

1.  Description:

Platies or Platyfish (scientific name: Xiphophorus maculatus) are another “live-bearing” freshwater fish.

2.  Size:   

Platies grow up to 3 inches long.

3.  Male / females:

Male Platies have a “gonopodium” underneath their bodies. This is a modified fin used to deposit sperm into the female Platies bodies.

4.  Lifespan:

Platies will live 3 to 5 years depending on the care.

5.  Behavior:

Their unique characteristics, such as their non-aggression and peaceful nature, make them a favorite among aquarists. For sure a contender for the top 20 best aquarium fish for beginners. 

6.  Colors:

Platies are widely recognized as some of the most vibrant freshwater fish. Common colors include blue, red, orange, yellow, and mixed colors. Platies are known by various names related to their colors, including Redtail Platy, Hawaii Platy, Yellowtail Platy, Marigold Platy, Rainbow Platy, and Sunset Platy.

7. Breeding Platyfish

Platies are livebearers, which means they give birth to fully developed, free-swimming young. Because mollies breed easily in your home aquarium, you may soon have more than your tank can handle. You can easily remedy this by keeping platies with predatory fish like angelfish or other cichlids.

8.  Water conditions:

Each platy you keep should have at least 13 gallons of tank space. Change 25% or more of your aquarium water every two weeks for happy, healthy fish. Platies are tropical fish and prefer water temperatures of 72°F to 78°F with a pH of 7.0 to 8.3.

9. Cost:

In fish stores and online the cost is roughly $7 per fish.

10. Feeding:

Platies are omnivores, meaning they need a mix of veggies and protein-based foods. Of course, they will probably accept anything edible that you throw in their tank. You can feed your platies high-quality pellet food, commercial flake supplemented with fresh vegetables, brine shrimp, spirulina algae tablets, and frozen fish foods.

11. Aquascape: 

Like mollies, platies don’t care what the tank looks like. Like most fish they usually only care about their next meal.

12. Original habitat:

Platies originate in the Southern Part of the United States down the the Northern part of South America.  (Source: Wikipedia)


13. Fascinating fact:

Platies, in addition to South America, Platyfish also are native to North America.

13. Buying Platies:

Platies are almost always available in pet stores and always available online.

Small Plecostomus Species –  Easy Fish #4

Hypancistrus plecostomus

Ease of care: easy to keep

1.  Description:

 This is a catfish with a sucker mouth. The fish is covered  with hard plating and a high, sharp central fin on it’s back.

2.  Size:   

Small size plecos may get up to 7 inches in length although 4 to 5 inches is more common. 

3.  Male / females:

Except for the Bristlenose pleco (males have bristles, females don’t. 

4.  Lifespan:

I’ve read that they live up to 15 years. Until I have scientific proof I will say 5 years is more likely. Bottom line they probably live from 5 to 15 years. 

4.  Behavior:

5.  Colors:

6. Breeding

7.  Water conditions:


8. Cost:

9. Feeding:

10. Aquascape: 

11. Original habitat:


12. Fascinating fact:

13. Buying Platies:

Image above: captive bred Zebra Plecostomus

15 things to know about caring for your pleco plus a warning…

Having kept a couple of different types of Plecostomus, here are a few things I know personally:

1. Warning: Some plecos get BIG (up to 18 inches). In my view, they not only grow too large but also appear unattractive. Other aquarists think this too. Aquarists in Florida, who no longer want the big, ugly fish in their tanks, have released Plecostomus fish into the wild. As a result, Plecostomus fish have become invasive, overtaking native Florida fish in waterways and lakes.

To avoid the “big and ugly” problem, buying the smaller (often more expensive) specialty plecos is a beneficial idea.

2. Cost: A smaller, more desirable pleco can carry a significant price tag. In searching for Zebra plecos (adult sizes 3–4 inches), I found that the average price is $300. A less expensive, smaller Plecostomus to try is the Bristle Nose Plecostomus. I have a female bristlenose pleco in my 30-gallon aquarium, and I can highly recommend them. My female Bristlenose Pleco cost about $20.

3. Plecostomus (scientific name: Hypostomus Plecostomus) is a popular fish for the freshwater aquarium. People sometimes casually refer to this fish as a “garbage disposal” because of the way it cleans the bottom and sides of the aquarium.

4. Original habitat: South America is the native home of Plecostomus species, although Costa Rica and Panama in Central America also host some of them. In their natural habitat, most plecos live in fast-running, shallow rivers and streams.

5. Stocking your plecostomus aquarium: You should keep small plecostomus fish in a lightly stocked aquarium of 30 gallons or more. You don’t want too many other fish in the tank, as plecos are messy and poop a lot! You’ll want a large and robust filtration system to help control their mess and waste. You’ll also want to change at least 20% of the water every week. When I kept plecos, I would change 50% of the water weekly.

6. Water conditions: Plecostomus fish prefer water temperature to be 72°F to 84°F and water pH to be between 7.0 and 8.0.

7. Behavior: Plecostomus fish in an aquarium typically exhibit aggressive behavior toward other Plecos while remaining relatively gentle with their tankmates. However, they will aggressively pursue fish eggs from any egg-laying spawning pairs.

8. Be aware: I’ve seen plecos I’ve owned latch on to other fish and chew on their skin, resulting in sores on the fish.

9. Breeding: Plecos are egg layers, and they usually spawn in caves and lay a large volume of eggs on flat surfaces. The male then guards the cave until the eggs hatch.

10. Fascinating fact: Bristlenose Plecostomus fish can reproduce in an aquarium with proper care, a male and female, and a suitable cave for laying eggs. The eggs freely turn into fry that the parents protect. If protected from predators, you will soon have a tank full of adorable little plecos.

11. Colors: Grays are the most common color, followed by albinos, white stripes, and gold dots. Some of the species of Plecostomus available for your aquarium are Sailfin (Big and Ugly), Royal, Zebra, Bristlenose, Clown, Gold Nugget, and Snowball.

13. Lifespan and size: Plecos live to be 10 or 15 years old and may grow to 18 inches (think Big and Ugly) in length when kept in an aquarium.

14. Feeding: Most Plecostomus are known as “algae eaters,” which means they are herbivorous. Some Plecostomus are carnivorous, and they will eat invertebrates, crustaceans, and smaller fish.

My bristlenose pleco will only eat protein (carnivore)-based foods. She will turn up her bristly nose at veggies and veggie tablets.

Most plecostomus fish will eat just about any food that falls to the bottom of the tank but love chewing on algae tablets. They will eat any veggie you feed them, including shelled peas, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, and zucchini. Cooking the veggies helps them settle at the tank bottom for your plecostomus.

15. Driftwood: I recommend keeping driftwood in the aquarium with them as they seem to enjoy chewing on it.

Common colors are easily accessible in aquarium fish stores. You’ll likely need to purchase uniquely colored or unusual plecos online.

Angelfish – Easy Fish #5

Pterophyllum scalare – Most common. There are three distint species of Angelfish.

Ease of care: very easy to keep

A trio of angelfish in a planted aquarium

Image above: Black Marble Veil Angelfish

Angelfish image provided by Kizzys Fish Room, an eBay store.

angelfish are one of the 20 best aquarium fish for beginners

Image above: Blue Pinoy Paraiba x Ghost Angelfish – Proven Breeding Pair $200

Angelfish image provided by jzt6j-59, an eBay seller.

The angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) is another popular fish in the aquarium hobby. So popular that it has to be in the running for the best aqauarium fish for beginners. Angelfish are admired due to their beautiful swimming behavior and how easy they are to care for. They would be a perfect addition to your large community aquarium.

Angelfish species originated from the Orinoco Basin, Amazon Basin, and the various rivers of the Guiana Shield in tropical South America. These fish are found in slow-running water.

For angelfish, 30 gallons or larger tank size is recommended per fish. Keep your aquarium water filtered and change 90 % of your aquarium water weekly. The preferred water pH for Angelfish is 6.5 to 6.9. Preferred water temperatures should be between 76°F to 82°F.

Temperament:  Angelfish behavior is usually gentle, but they can become aggressive and territorial when a pair is spawning.

Life Span: They live about ten years when well cared for.

Feeding: Angelfish are omnivorous and will eat just about any fish food you provide them. They’ll eat flakes, small shrimp, food granules, small food pellets, frozen food like bloodworms and brine shrimp.

Breeding: Mature angelfish create monogamous pairs if there is a male and female in your tank. Angelfish eggs are laid on a vertical surface such as a flat leaf, wood, or even aquarium glass. When the eggs hatch, angelfish fry will remain where laid until they are free-swimming. To ensure the pair don’t eat the eggs do 3 things: 1) give them a tank to themselves. 2) give them low level lighting. 3) ensure the ph of the water is 6.0 or lower. Miss any of these three and most assuredly they will eat their eggs. 

Colors and types: Angelfish are available in different colors such as yellow, golden, platinum black, silver, etc. Angelfish are available in many color variations, such as silver, koi, zebra, black lace, golden, dusky, blushing marble, half black, blue, and golden marble angelfish.

Wild bred angelfish can be purchased online and are available in silver color with dark or black vertical stripes.

Availability: Readily available where aquarium fish are sold.

Corydora (Cory) Catfish –  Easy Fish #6

Ease of care: challenging easy to medium.

Image above: Sterbai Cory Catfish

Image provided by Neat & Tidy an Amazon seller.

Interested in owning this fish? Tap here.

Image above: Gold Laser Cory

Image provided by Neat & Tidy an Amazon seller.

Interested in owning this fish? Tap here.

Cory Catfish are also called Cory Fish, Cory Cats, and Corydoras Catfish. These fish are also called armored catfish.

They would win the award for cutest fish, if there was a contest.

Most aquarists love this fish because of its unique characteristics, gentle nature, and mild temperament. This makes them perfect for a beginners freshwater aquarium.

Various countries of South America provide native habitat for Corys, where they usually inhabit small rivers and streams.

Cory Catfish are small enough that you can keep them in a 10-gallon aquarium. They prefer to be kept in schools, so a larger tank is more appropriate.

Cory Cats prefer a water PH of between 6.8-8.0 and water temperatures typical of tropical fish.

Temperament: Cory cats are peaceful and non-aggressive.

Life Span: Cory catfish can live up to five years or more if kept in the right conditions.

Feeding: Cory catfish are omnivores, and they can eat both plant and animal matter. Shrimp pellets, feeder tablets, algae rounds, tropical granules, and live foods are excellent choices for Cory cats.

Breeding: Cory catfish are egg depositors. These catfish breed in  groups, such as two males to one female. The breeding tank should have many live or fake plants. The keeper of Cory cats should cover the bottom of the breeding tanks with sand or fine gravel.

Colors and types: Cory’s are available in different colors such as green, black, albino, and bronze. Wikipedia shows 161 different variations of Corydora Catfish.

Availability: Readily available where aquarium fish are sold.

Rainbow Fish – Easy Fish #7

Ease of care: easy to keep

a rainbow fish

Rainbow Fish

Image provided by Neat & Tidy an Amazon seller.

Interested in owning this fish? Tap here.

Blue and yellow rainbowfish

Praecos Rainbow Fish

Incredible rainbow fish movie. Link, tap image to view movie.

amazing rainbow fish picture

Another great starter aquarium fish for beginners are rainbowfish. Rainbowfish are gorgeous fish that will make your aquarium fascinating to visitors.

Note: Honestly I have never purchased a rainbow fish. I guess it is time to “try them out.”

Rainbowfish (Melanotaeniidae) inhabit eastern and northern Australia, the islands of Raja Ampat in Indonesia, the islands of Cenderawasih Bay, and New Guinea.

Rainbowfishes natural habitats are large, slow-moving bodies of water, including lakes, rivers, and swamps.

30 gallons or larger tank per fish is suitable. Don’t over stock. Proper water temperature for rainbowfish is between 74 and 78°F, while the preferred pH would be between 7.0 to 8.0.

Temperament: Rainbowfish are peaceful unless breeding. If they are breeding and you have more than one male rainbowfish in your aquarium, the males will fight in their efforts to mate with the female.

Life Span And Size: The rainbowfish lifespan is about 6 to 8 years. They will grow out to be between two and four inches. Assume 4 inches and make the choice of how many to buy based on that. 

Feeding: Rainbowfish are omnivorous. They will eat floating vegetation, cooked and canned veggies, protein-based flakes, tablets, live foods, and more.

Breeding: Rainbowfish are very easy to breed. They are egg scatterers. When you want to reproduce this fish, raise the breeding tank temperature by 2 or 3 degrees. This will increase the spawning activity. These fish court in the early morning and then spawn at the first light. The adults should be removed after the eggs have been laid.

Give appropriate food to baby fish after they start swimming freely.

Colors and types: Rainbowfish colors include red, yellow, silver, blue, and orange. A few of the different kinds of Rainbowfish are Australian Rainbowfish, Boesemani, Axelrod, Celebes, Praecox, Threadfin, Red Irian, Pseudomugil, and Turquoise.

Availability: Readily available. They can be purchased online or in your local fish store. 

Goldfish – Easy Fish #8

Carassius Auratus

Ease of care: Challenging easy to medium difficult. This is due to the fish needing cool to cold water and a clean tank.

Ranchu Goldfish

Image provided by Aquatic Heaven, An Amazon Seller

Ranchu Goldfish

Image provided by Neat and Tidy Fish Store,  An Amazon Seller

Super Important Fact About Goldfish:

They must be kept in cool water. Do not put them in with your tropical fish. They will slowly die from that environment. Please be kind.


The goldfish (Carassius Auratus) is a freshwater fish that belong to the fish family of Cyprinidae. They are one of the most exciting fish for your aquarium. Goldfish species have been bred to extremes. Varieties include bubble eyes, brainheads, super fat bodies, and more.

The goldfish is native to East Asia. Natural goldfish habitats are slow streams and lakes.

Goldfish get big (six to eight inches at maturity)! Never keep a goldfish in a goldfish bowl. That isn’t kind. One goldfish with very few, if any, tank mates to a 55-gallon aquarium is about right. Their preferred water temperature is 65 to 68°F and an unheated tank. Colder in the winter. Because of the desired temperature, tropical fish should not be kept with goldfish because of temperature differences. 

Preferred PH for goldfish is between 7.2 and 7.6.

Temperament: Goldfish are very relaxed and gentle. They want clean water and lots of food to be happy and peaceful.

Life Span: A healthy goldfish who is kept in a clean, cool environment will live 15 to 20+ years.

Feeding: You can feed your goldfish canned and boiled vegetables such as carrots, peas, and zucchini. You can also feed them bloodworms, shrimp, and other live foods. They are always hungry, so they will eat just about any fish food they are given.

Breeding: Place the female and male goldfish within the same tank. An outdoor plastic swimming pool works much better than trying to breed them in an aquarium. Then you must wait for the female to drop her eggs and for the male to fertilize them. When the eggs are fertilized, transfer both adult goldfish into a different tank, so they don’t eat the eggs. The eggs will hatch out in four to seven days, with the fry becoming free-swimming at hatching.

Colors and type: Goldfish exist in different colors such as yellow, white, orange, calico, black, and red. There are many variations such as wakin, veiltail, comet, fantail, shubunkin, and much more.


Bristlenose Plecostomus – Easy Fish #9

Also know as bushynose plecostomus

Hypostomus cirrhosus

Ease of care: very easy

Bristlenose catfish, plecostomus

Calico Bristlenose Plecostomus

Top picture: Female Calico Pleco. Bottom picture male Calico Pleco.

Images provided by Aquatic Heavens, Amazon.

If the calico pleco is sold out, other plecostomus fish can be viewed here.

The Bristlenose Plecostomus, also known as the bushy nose plecostomus, is a freshwater tropical fish that belongs to the family loricariidae.

This fish is native to Panama and South America. Bristlenose Plecostomus fish can be found in floodplains and river areas of the Amazon Basin.

These fish will grow to be between four inches and eight inches in length with five inches being common, so the minimum tank size needed would be 30+ gallons. (Side note: I have my single female Bristlenose in a 30 gallon aquarium along with four small tetras. I won’t be putting any more fish in that tank.)  Preferred water temperature is 75 degrees to 80 degrees. Recommended pH for the Bristlenose Plecostomus is 6.5 to 7.5.

Temperament: Bristlenose Plecostomus are peaceful. Mine likes to hide only showing itself occasionally. 

Life Span: This fish will live between 5 and 12 years.

Feeding: You can feed Bristlenose Plecos vegetables such as peas, carrots, cabbage leaves, and cucumber. A mix of 15% protein and 85% plant matter is recommended.

Breeding: Bristlenose plecostomus are fairly easy to breed in a breeding aquarium. The pair will need an artificial or natural “cave” to lay eggs in. Once the eggs have been laid the female is done with her “duties” and should be removed from the breeding tank.  The male bristlenose will guard the eggs and fry.

Colors and types: These fish are available in albino, black, brown, and grey. Most have white or gold colored dots covering their bodies.

Male Bristlenose Plecostomus

Availability: Occasionally available in pet stores.  Although I have purchased mine in a pet store, at this point I would buy online. I also would make sure I have an aquarium large enough and buy at least three to give me a better chance of obtaining a male (males when full grown will have bristles. Females don’t).

Kuhli Loach – Easy Fish #10

Pangio kuhlii

Ease of care: very easy

closeup of a kuhli loach

This Kuhli Loach photo is provided courtesy of AJC1 and is a creative commons picture.

The kuhli-loach is an unusual-looking fish appearing more like an eel than a fish. It is timid and nocturnal. It will hide using the aquarium ornaments or by digging into the substrate.

Kuhli loach (Pangio Kuhlii) is also known as leopard loach, coolie loach, or cinnamon loach.

It is native to the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia, where they inhabit slow-running waters and forest streams.

10 facts about Kuhli Loach fish:

1.  Size:  Kuhli Loach will grow to be 4 inches in length. 

2.  Tank size needed: Kuhli loaches need 10 gallons of tank space for each Kuhli Loach.

3.  Life Span: If well cared for, Kuhli Loaches can live from 10 to 15 years.

4.  Kuhli Loaches like having other Kuhli Loaches around: They prefer to have the company of other kuhli loaches, so buy several when obtaining them. Make sure your tank is large enough to house several adult kuhlis.

5.  Kuhli Loach Temperment: They are timid (easily frightened) and they are nocturnal. It will hide using the aquarium ornaments or by digging into the substrate. This is not the fish for you if you need them to be swimming around during the day. 

6.  Water conditions: They tolerate a wide range of water temperatures, 73 to 86°F. The preferred pH for the Kuhli Loach is 5.5 to 6.5.

7.  Natural habitat: Kuhli Loaches inhabit slow moving streams.

8.  Feeding: Kuhli Loaches are omnivorous and feed on what falls to the bottom of the aquarium. They enjoy flakes, pellets, mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, and blood worms.

9.  Breeding: It is nearly impossible to breed kuhli loaches in an aquarium without taking extraordinary measures.

10.  Colors and types: Kuhli loaches are available in striped brown, white and yellow.

Cherry Barb – Easy Fish #11

Puntius titteya

Ease of care: very easy

Red cherry barb in a planted aquarium
cherry barbs male and female

Cherry Barbs – Female above and male below

Image provided by Neat and Tidy Fish Store,  An Amazon Seller

To view addition pictures of this fish, tap here.

Cherry barbs (Puntius Titteya) are popular because of their color, their schooling behavior, and because they are a lively and easy to care for. Exactly what we are looking for in a fish to be added to the best starter aquarium fish for beginners.

Cherry barbs are native to Sri Lanka, where they are found in the streams and small ponds of the rainforest. They are almost extinct in the wild due to loss of habitat.

You’ll want to buy at least half a dozen cherry barbs to keep each other company. The barbs should have a least a 30 gallon tank to swim in.

The water temperature required for the cherry barb is 73 to 81°F. The preferred pH is 6.0 to 8.0.

Temperament: Cherry Barbs are peaceful and get along well with other fish in a community aquarium.

Life span: Cherry barbs will live for about five years.

Feeding: Cherry barbs eat most anything you give to them that they can fit in their mouths. These foods include small insects, crustaceans, algae, diatoms, worms, zooplankton, blood worms, brine shrimp, flake food, and more.

Breeding: Female cherry barbs will lay 200 to 300 eggs scattered on the aquarium substrate and plants. The male cherry barb fertilizes the eggs as they are laid. Use a breeding tank and remove the parents once they are done spawning. The eggs will hatch within one or two days. The fry become free swimming two days after hatching

Colors and types: Cherry barbs colors are tan and red to very red on breeding males.  Variations include checkerboard barb, gelius barb, golden barb, tiger barb, rosy barb, and denison barb.

Neon Tetra Warning #12

Ease of care: Nearly impossible – I originally had neon tetras here but removed the posting as I learned more. They are always available in pet stores so you would think they must be an easy fish. Nope. Due to neon tetra disease and the exacting condtions needed to keep them healthy, I now consider them very difficult to keep by a beginner. Don’t buy this fish, they won’t live more than a few months in a regular aquarium set up. 

White Cloud Minnows – Easy Fish #13

Tanichthys albonubes

Ease of care: very easy

white cloud minnow
white cloud minnows 2

White cloud minnows (Tanichthys Albonubes) are a cool water fish that can tolerate tropical water temperatures. They are native to China, where they inhabit cool river areas.

White Cloud Minnows are almost extinct in the wild due to pollution and encroachment on their environment by humans.

White cloud minnows grow to about 1.5 inches at maturity. You’ll want to place at least six individuals in your tank. The minimum tank size for six white cloud minnows is about ten gallons if no other fish are present. Their preferred water temperature is 64 To 79°F and pH is 6.0 to 7.5.

Temperament: White cloud minnows are friendly and peaceful.

Life Span: White cloud minnows will live about five years.

Feeding:  These species are omnivorous, which means they will eat both plant and animal material.

Breeding: It is easy to breed white cloud minnows. To breed white cloud minnows feed them high nutrition live food such as daphnia and brine shrimp.

White clouds are egg scatterers; they drop their eggs freely among the vegetation and gravel. The eggs will hatch within two or three days. White cloud minnows do not cannibalize their eggs. Because of this, adults can be left in the breeding tank after spawning.

Colors and types: White Cloud minnows are available in gold and grey colors. They have red fins and red tails. Meter Minnow and the Golden cloud are two main variations of white cloud minnows.

Availability: Usually but not always available where aquarium fish are sold.

Zebra Danio or Zebrafish – Easy Fish #14 

Danio rerio

Ease of care: very easy

zebra danio

The zebra danio (Danio Rerio) is an exciting, active member of any community aquarium. They are easy to care for and perfect for a beginner’s aquarium.

Zebra Danios are native to South Asia. They inhabit ditches, canals, streams, ponds, lakes, and rice paddies.

Zebra danios grow to about 1.5 inches. Their preferred water temperature is 65 to 75°F. The preferred water pH for the zebra danio is between 7.0 to 8.0.

Temperament: Zebra danios are peaceful, community fish.

Life span: A Zebra Danio will live two to three years.

Feeding: Zebra danios are omnivorous, and they thrive on typical fish food, including flakes, tablets, live foods, and frozen foods. Zebra Danios are very active fish. Don’t underfeed them. 

Breeding: Breeding of zebra danios is very easy. When given clean water and an abundance of highly nutritious foods, they will scatter eggs throughout the breeding tank. You’ll want to remove the parents from the breeding tank as they will eat the eggs. The eggs will hatch in two days.

Colors and types: Zebra Danios have long dark and white stripes on their sides.

Availability: Readily available where aquarium fish are sold.

Betta Fish – Easy Fish #15

Betta splendens

Ease of care: very easy

Red Male Betta Fish on a black background
Betta white and red

Bettas (Betta Splendens) are an easy, fun freshwater beginners fish to keep. They act tough when you get near their tank. They’ll flare their fins and gills as an instinct to scare you away.

They can be stunning, as you can see in this Bing images link or the pictures featured here.

Bettas are also known as the siamese fighting fish, although you don’t hear that name much anymore.

They are native to South Asia.

I wouldn’t put a Betta in any tank less than 5 gallons. Water movement in their tank should be gentle. The preferred water temperature for the Betta fish is 72 to 82°F and a suggested pH of 6.8 to 7.4.

Temperament: Betta fish do well in a community tank. Other fish may nip at the Betta’s fins, so be on the lookout for that problem.

Don’t keep other Bettas, male or female, with your Betta because they will fight, which will eventually kill one of them.

Life Span: The average lifespan of the Betta fish is three years, but they can live longer.

Feeding: Betta fish are insectivores meaning they do best of fed “live,” “insect-like” foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, Daphnia, and other frozen foods.  Being opportunistic feeders, they will eat flake food if it is available.

Breeding: Breeding Bettas is pretty straightforward, if not easy. Get the female ready to lay eggs by feeding her larger than normal portions of high-quality foods. When a male Betta is ready to reproduce, he will use his mouth to build a large nest of bubbles on the surface of the water. When it seems the nest is as big as he’s going to make it, release the  female into the tank. When spawning seems complete, remove the female Betta. Eggs will hatch in two or three days. Remove the male at this time and feed the fry food appropriate for baby fish.

Colors and types: Betta fish are available in various colors such as black, white, pink, green, blue, red, purple, and yellow.

Availability: Readily available where aquarium fish are sold.

African Cichlids – Easy Fish #16


Ease of care: very easy

African Cichlid labidochromis caeruleus
Male African Cichlid

Available from the Ebay store Aquarium Plants Discounts Store

Tap here to buy this beautiful African Cichlid

Livingstoni, Nimbochromis, African Cichlid

Available from the Ebay store
Tampa Bay Cichlids

Tap here to buy this beautiful African Cichlid

African cichlids are native to three large lakes in East Africa. Choosing an African cichlid fish might be challenging because there are so many choices.

These colorful fish are easy to care for. Beginners will rarely make enough mistakes to kill an African cichlid. They are active swimmers, and their breeding habits are fascinating to watch.

You’ll pay about $5 to $10 for each fish in your local pet store.

The minimum tank size required for the African Cichlid is 30 gallons. Don’t overstock your aquarium! The preferred water temperature is 73 to 82°F with a pH of 7.8 to 8.5, which is fairly high. If you come from an area with soft water, you will need to adjust the pH.

Temperament: African cichlids can be aggressive and territorial when spawning or caring for their young. Most African cichlids are “mouthbrooders,” meaning they keep their eggs in their mouths until they hatch. The fry will return to the parent’s mouths if they sense danger.

Lifespan: African cichlids will live from five to fifteen years.

Feeding: African cichlids will eat anything you put in their tank, from flakes to tablets and frozen foods to live foods.

Breeding: African cichlids are mouthbrooders. The male cichlid will dig out a cave or take over a cave. He will then use the cave to entice the female to breed with him. Female cichlid lay eggs in the cave, and then after the male cichlid has fertilized them, she will take the eggs into her mouth. She will keep the eggs in her mouth until they hatch in 21 days.

Colors and types: African cichlids are available in various color combinations such as orange, yellow, purple, red, pink, blue, and black.

Harlequin Rasboras – Easy Fish #17

Trigonostigma Heteromorpha

Ease of care: very easy

rasbora fish

Harlequin Rasbora

Image provided by Ornamental Aquatics 

Rasboras (Trigonostigma Heteromorpha) or Harlequin Rasboras are good starter fish for beginners.

They have great colors, and they school tightly. They are curious and gentle. Rasboras grow to about one and a half inches in length.

Rasboras are native to Southeast Asia and China.

The suggested tank size for a good-sized school of Rasboras is a lightly stocked 30-gallon aquarium. They prefer the company of other Rasboras so buy at least 6 to place in your tank.

They like tropical water temperatures. In the wild, Rasboras inhabit very soft water, so they prefer softer water that is not more than medium hardness.

Lifespan: The lifespan of the Rasbora is 5 to 8 years.

Feeding: Rasboras are opportunistic feeders and are willing to eat either protein or vegetable-based fish foods.

Breeding: It is a little challenging to breed Rasbora, but it’s not impossible. The breeding tank water should be soft. You must keep two females and one male in the breeding tank. Keep a lot of plants in your breeding tank. When they are ready to spawn, Rasbora female signals the male by taking up a position near a chosen leaf.  The female will lay eggs on the underside of the leaf, which the male then fertilizes. Remove the parents at this point or they will eat the eggs. Eggs will hatch within 18 to 24 hours.

Colors and types: Rasboras are Reddish tan with black coloring along the back half of the fish.

Availability: Rasboras are readily available where aquarium fish are sold.

Pictus Catfish – Easy Fish #18

Pimelodus pictus

Ease of care: very easy

Pictus catfish (Pimelodus Pictus) are attractive and non-teritorial. They are active and exciting to watch as they swim at the bottom of the aquarium searching for food.

They are native to the Orinoco and Amazon river basins in South America.

Water conditions: They prefer soft water that is around 75° F to 81° F.

Growth: Pictus Cats grow to be about 4 to 5 inches in length.

Aquarium size: The tank size recommended for the pictus catfish is 30, lightly stocked gallons.

Temperament: Temperament of Pictus Catfish is peaceful although they will try to eat fish smaller than themselves.

Lifespan: Pictus Catfish live about 6 years.

Feeding:  Pictus Catfish are omnivores. They can be fed algae tablets, small fish, insects, blood worms, daphnia and brine shrimp.

Breeding: Pictus fish are a typical egg-laying fish, but difficult to breed in captivity. It is unlikely that they will breed in a home aquarium.  

Colors:  Pictus Catfish is a silver color with black spots. They have white barbels (whiskers) and transparent fins.

Availability: Pictus catfish are readily available where aquarium fish are sold. 

Dwarf Gourami – Easy Fish #19

Ease care: very easy

“Honey” Dwarf Gourami

Image provided by Aquatic Heavens, an Amazon Store.

Tap picture to price or buy a Honey Gourami.

dwarf gourami - blue with red stripes

Dwarf gourami – blue with red stripes

Dwarf gourami (Trichogaster Lalius) is a colorful and peaceful fish. They are easy to care for (I.E. hard to kill) and stay relatively small (3.5 inches) so they make a good addition to a freshwater, community tank.

Dwarf Gouramis are native to South Asia, mainly Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.

The Dwarf Gourami is a labyrinth fish. This means that they have  a special organ that allows them to breathe air.

Dwarf Gouramis inhabit slow running waters in rivers, lakes, and streams.

You really don’t want to get just one Dwarf Gourami so allow at least 10 gallons of sparsely stocked tank space for each Dwarf Gourami you buy.

They like tropical water temperatures but can tolerate slightly higher than average temperatures. This heat tolerance could make them a good addition for a discus tank. They are fairly tolerant of different pH levels.

Lifespan: Dwarf Gouramis will live 4 to 5 years.

Feeding: Dwarf Gouramis are omnivores. In the wild they feed on small invertebrates, algae, and other plant matter. You can offer them high-quality live and frozen foods, flakes, tablets, and canned or cooked vegetables.

Breeding: Dwarf Gouramis are best bred in a separate breeding tank with the parents being removed after spawning. This is because they will eat the eggs given a chance.  

Colors and types: They come in honey color with red vertical, dotted stripes and blue fins. They are also available in red, blue/red, white and blue with irregular dot patterns.

Tiger Barbs – Easy Fish #20

Ease of care: easy

Tiger Barb

Image provided by Aquarium Plants Discounts, an Amazon store. To price or buy Tiger Barbs, tap the image.

Tiger Barbs (Puntigrus tetrazona) is a colorful and peaceful fish. They are easy to care for (I.E. hard to kill) and stay relatively small (2.5 inches) so they make an OK addition to a freshwater, community tank.

I have 13 Tiger Barbs in my community tank. They are about 2 years old and about 2 “chunky) inches in length. 

They are a bit agressive and will nip at other fishes fins. They love ramshorn snails so if you have a lot those snails you won’t for long. 

They are a little shy, but if you add so other fish in that are not shy they will come out to greet you.

Tiger Barbs are native to Southeast Asia (Cambodia and Indonesia.

According to Wikipedia they are fairly open to water conditions.

They prefer to school so consider buying 10 or more for your lightly stocked 55 gallon aquarium.

Discus Care

Blue Discus – Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Oscar Fish


Panda Corydora Care

panda cory

1.  Description:


2.  Size:   

3.  Male / females:

4.  Lifespan:

4.  Behavior:

5.  Colors:

6. Breeding

7.  Water conditions:


8. Cost:

9. Feeding:

10. Aquascape: 

11. Original habitat:


12. Fascinating fact:

13. Buying Platies: