Discus Care
Bristlenose Plecostomus
Freshwater shrimp
Taking Aquarium Photos
Oscar Fish
Best Fish For Beginners
Tiger Barb Care
Panda Corydora Care
Zebra Danios
Breeding Guppies
How To Care For, Feed, And Make A Sandwich Out Of Your Adorable Goldfish
"Historical records suggest that the Chinese were the first people to breed and rear goldfish. They were first raised as food during the Jin Dynasty, between 265 AD and 420 AD...."
How I grew huge plants
Caring for Green Neon Tetras
Farlowella Catfish
An Exotic Plecostomus: 7 Crucial Facts
The 5 meanest, most dangerous freshwater aquarium fish (Freshwater Apex Predators)
This is about the only South American predator that can take on these bad boys.
Easy is probably not an option with most of these aquarium fish. Expensive, exciting, weird, scary are the real options.
Enter at your own risk and don’t put your hand in the water.