Aquarium Fish Care & Aquarium Equipment Information
Taking Aquarium Photos
9+ Foods Your Fish Will Enjoy
Grow Your Own (Gross!) Live Fish Food – 8 Types
5 steps you can take to stop your aquarium plants from dying
How Do I Fix My Sick Fish?
5 medications and what actually works
“I’m going to be quite blunt here. None of the medications listed below will work for an average hobbyist. I never use medications anyway. The medications are listed as fluff for this part of the article.”
Why are the fish dying in my freshwater aquarium?
Small Planted Aquariums Without CO2
Article: Freshwater Planted Aquarium Blog Information
"I've created this blog because I really enjoy the beauty and the challenge of freshwater planted aquariums..."
Reviewed: The top three internal aquarium filters
How To Successfully Create A Planted Nano Aquarium
“Now aquarium lights are amazingly inexpensive. They are also much more efficient…..”