Fish and Plants
Articles are listed in order by the number of views.
Best Fish For Beginners
Categories: small fish, beginner fish, easy fish
The Bristlenose Plecostomus: A Quirky Addition to Your Aquarium
Panda Corydora Care
Categories: Small Fish, Peaceful Fish
Discus Care
Farlowella: For When Regular Plecos Just Aren't 'Pleco-y' Enough
(Or maybe: The fish from outer space)
Breeding Guppies
Tiger Barb Care
Oscar Fish
Freshwater shrimp
The 20 Easiest Freshwater Aquarium Fish for Beginners
Zippy Zebra Danios:
Adding Sparkle to Your Tank!
Chinese Algae Eater:
Because Your Tank Desperately Needs a Vacuum That Lives Forever and Hates Everyone
Categorys: Catfish, large fish
How To Care For, Feed, And Make A Sandwich Out Of Your Adorable Goldfish
Caring for Green Neon Tetras
The 5 meanest, most dangerous freshwater aquarium fish (Freshwater Apex Predators)