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Fish and Plants

Articles are listed in order by the number of views.

Oscar Fish



angelfish yellow orange

The 20 Easiest Freshwater Aquarium Fish for Beginners

Caring For Guppies


Tiger Barb Care

How grow huge plants

Or don’t 

Discus Care

Blue Discus – Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Farlowella: For When Regular Plecos Just Aren't 'Pleco-y' Enough

(Or maybe: The fish from outer space)



How To Take Aquarium Photos

Blue discus in an aquarium

Freshwater shrimp

Super red cardinal shrimp

Additional Information:

The Bristlenose Plecostomus: A Quirky Addition to Your Aquarium

albino bristlenose pleco

Breeding Guppies

Red tail guppyBlue and black male guppy


Panda Corydora Care

panda cory

Rosette Swords

Aquarium plant Rosette Sword

Zippy Zebra Danios:

Adding Sparkle to Your Tank!

zebra danio in a planted aquarium 

Grow a planted aquarium without substrate

Caring for Green Neon Tetras

green neon tetra fish

Best Fish For Beginners

orange and white platy in an aquarium

Dalmatian molly

How To Care For, Feed, And Make A Sandwich Out Of Your Adorable Goldfish

The 5 meanest, most dangerous freshwater aquarium fish (Freshwater Apex Predators)

caiman - an oscar predator