Affiliate disclosure for Amazon and Divi: These articles contain links to Amazon and Elegant Themes/Divi. I am an Amazon & Divi affiliate and if you tap a link and buy a product I will be paid a commission. This helps me to continue to do research on fish and plant care.

2.5 gallon planted aquarium growth – weekly images


    • This is a week-by-week image journal of my 2.5 gallon aquarium

    • Very bright light left on 6 hours per day. RO water only.

    • There are are Ramshorn snails in this tank to help control any algae that pops up. Snails are feed 3 to 5 Tetra Pro Color Crisps daily. If I get too many the larges snails will be fed to my Bristlenose Pleco)

January 3, 2025 

January 10th, 2025

I covered the plant roots with a rock to keep the plant from floating. If you look to the right of the tank you’ll see some of the plastic mesh I put under the gravel. This gives the plants something to hang on to that is more stable than gravel.

 Feb 2nd, 2025 

Dropped a piece of drift wood in the tank. Moved the rock off of the plant roots.