Affiliate disclosure for Amazon and Divi: These articles contain links to Amazon and Elegant Themes/Divi. I am an Amazon & Divi affiliate and if you tap a link and buy a product I will be paid a commission. This helps me to continue to do research on fish and plant care.

The 10 Worst Aquarium Plants You Can Buy

The 10 Worst Aquarium Plants You Can Buy Guest Post By Jino S. T. Cambomba Caroliniana – Number 10 of the 10 worst aquarium plants How to tell if you’ve purchased one of the 10 worst aquarium plants Picture this: You’re standing in front of your...

The 17 Most Colorful Freshwater Aquarium Fish

The 17 Most Colorful Freshwater Aquarium Fish Article Index – Clicking on the fish name will take you to that listing.  Freshwater Stingray Glass Catfish Golden Gar Puffer Fish Royal Clown Loach Ropefish Vampire Tetra Zebra Shovelnose Catfish Freshwater Stingray...

5 Plants Perfect For Your Small or Nano Aquarium

5 Plants Perfect For Your Small or Nano Aquarium Dwarf Baby Tears in my 2.8-gallon tank       I’ve done a ton of research on this subject and I have found five plants that were recommended over and over again as easy to grow. I did weed out many...